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CALL TO ACTION: Protect Private Industry and the Public Sector from Cyberattacks

Updated: Jan 6, 2023

April 1, 2022

Given the current warnings issued by the Biden administration regarding imminent Russian cyberattacks against the U.S. and its allies, Mission Critical Global Alliance (MCGA) would like to remind those operating in mission critical environments to immediately take the following actions to significantly mitigate their exposure to a cyberattack:

  • Train operators, supervisors, and managers to anticipate a cybersecurity incident and know how to respond.

  • Educate all staff, management, and contractors on good cyber hygiene habits

  • Remind employees to report anything that does not look normal

  • Verify that emergency response plans (ERPs) are up to date, staff are appropriately trained in their roles, and the plans are tested

  • Verify the operating systems on all devices, systems are backed up (off site), security patches are current, and that the process to restore from backups works

  • Install intrusion detection and prevention hardware and software

  • Verify that all physical security systems are functioning properly (e.g., gates, locks, motion detections, cameras) and have the systems monitored 24/7

  • Disconnect, disable, or remove all remote access capabilities

  • Ensure anti-malware protection is in place and up to date


Media Contact

Kevin Edwards, (703) 653-0596,

About MCGA

Business leaders, government, and industry turn to Mission Critical Global Alliance (MCGA) as a trusted resource dedicated to enhancing the resilience of mission critical infrastructure through our expertise in advocacy, skills standards development, education, research, workforce development, and professional certifications. MCGA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.


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